Delete_Node_LL(List, Start, value)
Here, List is a Linked list Containing n Nodes.Start is a pointer pointing to the starting node of the List We have to delete a node which contains value as its data. Ptr is an intermediate pointer, which will be used to traverse the List. Prev is a intermediate pointer which will be contains the address of Node which is previous to the node pointing by Ptr
Step 1: [Initializing the pointers Ptr will be pointing the starting node and Prev will be null]
Ptr = Start, Prev = null
Step 2: [If Node to be deleted is 1st node]
if Ptr->Data = value then
i) Start = Ptr->Next
ii) Free(Ptr) [Releasing memory consumed by node to be deleted]
iii) Return;
Step 3:[Since node to be deleted is not starting node so moving Ptr to 2nd node and Prev will be pointing starting node]
i)Prev = Ptr
ii)Ptr = Ptr->Next
Step 4: Repeat Step 4(i) to 4(iv) till Ptr is not null.
i) if Ptr->Data = value then
a) Prev->Next = Ptr->Next;
b) Free(Ptr);
c) Return;
ii) Prev = Ptr;
iii) Ptr = Ptr ->Next
Step 5: [Node was not found raise error or return the control]
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